"Balkan and National Jet Ski Race" лого

"Balkan and National Jet Ski Race"

Cup Constanta 2024

Jet ski
  • 05.09.2024 - 08.09.2024
  • Constanta IpaNera Beach
  • Διοργανωτής: Federatia Romana de Motociclism Bulgarian Water Sports Federation
    [id] => 49
    [slug] => balkan-and-national-jet-ski-race
    [title] => "Balkan and National Jet Ski Race"
    [title_en] => "Balkan and National Jet Ski Race"
    [subtitle] => Cup Constanta 2024
    [subtitle_en] => Cup Constanta 2024
    [place] => Constanta IpaNera Beach
    [place_en] => Constanta IpaNera Beach
    [logo] => 1725262723-jetski_logo_vector-2.png
    [poster] => 1725263449-plakat.png
    [description] => 


"Balkan and National Jet Ski Race"

  "Federatia Romana de Motociclism" and "Bulgarian Federation of Water Motor Sports" organize the first big competition for "Balkan Jet Ski Cup" on the beautiful IpaNera Beach in Mamaia, Constanta with many attractions and excellent conditions ❗️


[schedule] =>

[results] =>








[participants] => [show_history] => 1 [event_start] => 05.09.2024 [event_end] => 08.09.2024 [type_alias] => jet_ski [type] => Jet ski [type_en] => Jet ski [organizer] => Federatia Romana de Motociclism Bulgarian Water Sports Federation [organizer_en] => Federatia Romana de Motociclism Bulgarian Water Sports Federation [lang] => en ) 1

Επίσημος χορηγός


"Balkan and National Jet Ski Race"

  "Federatia Romana de Motociclism" and "Bulgarian Federation of Water Motor Sports" organize the first big competition for "Balkan Jet Ski Cup" on the beautiful IpaNera Beach in Mamaia, Constanta with many attractions and excellent conditions ❗️


Day 1

07.09.2024 17:30 - 07.09.2024 19:00


Παρακολούθηση εκδήλωσης

Day 2

08.09.2024 12:20 - 08.09.2024 18:00


Παρακολούθηση εκδήλωσης

Χώρα φωτογραφία Αριθμός Ονομα Χορηγο
213 Zimchea Alex Nikol -
222 Dobrinas Ovidiu -
25 Vlad Mihalcea -
304 Kristian Dimitrov -
308 Dimana Mihaleva -
4 Georgi Sandev -
91 Yordan Ivanov -
94 Yonko Rusev -
26 Alexis Mihalèa -
203 Mustafa Hafiz -
213Z Zimcheac Alex - Nikol -
Επίσημος χορηγός