In 2016, the dream of conquering Hard Enduro was born, a dream come true thanks to many people who love this sport. The driving force of this train is Carlos Enrique Caballero, alias 'Chili'.
“It is difficult to describe Hixpania in a few words, Hixpania represents the people who make it up, who love sport, love their environment, and above all believe in what they do. When Hixpania was born, one of our objectives was to create a unique event in Spain and we dreamed of being part of a Hard Enduro World Championship.
Right now and after the year of the pandemic, we are even more eager to organize an exceptional event, always with the maximum objective of safety and entertainment for competitors and visitors.
Being part of the Hard Enduro World Championship is a challenge, and we want to shine, as much as the world riders who come to conquer Hixpania, for them we give 200% to our work.
During all these years, the Hixpania family has grown, and without this family, it would not have been possible. The success of Hixpania belongs to everyone.
The very close and personal contact with some of the most prominent personalities in the Off Road World is an inspiring experience, as is the challenge of making an event like this happen in the heart of the Palencia Mountain in a small region of Spain. Without determination, this mission cannot be carried out. Therefore, I am grateful and proud to organize a new edition of 24MX Hixpania, The Conquest of Hard Enduro together with an incomparable committed family of enthusiastic people and competitors.“

The organizer, Moto Club Aguilar Off Road will promote a round of the 2023 FIM Hard Enduro World Championship and FIM Hard Enduro Junior World Championship on behalf of the RFME. The event will be held in accordance with the Sporting Code of the FIM together with the relevant Appendices, these Supplementary Regulations and any final instructions approved by the FIM International Jury.
Supplementary Regulations: 24MX Hixpania Hard Enduro, 2023
FIM Enduro World Championship License Holders competing for FIM Hard Enduro World Championship points in the above event are forced to act in accordance with:
- the Sporting Code of the FIM (incl. all appendices)
- Supplementary Regulations as following
- and any instructions by the Clerk of the Course and the FIM International Jury during the event
1) Event Organizer
Company / Club: Moto Club Aguilar Off Road
Address: Lugar de la Paul 1, 34800. Aguilar de Campoo. Palencia Tel. No.: 646298538
E-mail: hola@hixpania.es
Web site: www.hixpania.es
2) Registration
All FIM World Championship contenders have to make an entry in writing by an “electronic” entry form available on the web site www.hixpania.es
Registrations will become valid once the:
- championship fee / event fee has been received on the announced account
- the entry form has been signed, at Administrative Control on site.
- the competitor has signed the possible disclaimers during Administrative Control.
Non FIM Enduro World Championship License Riders:
- All riders not affiliated to the FMNR need an endorsement from their National Federation (FMN).
3) Administrative Control
Administrative Control will take place on 13.10.23 – 09:00 - 11:00 (date/time) at Hixpania Village.
Admin. Control NON - FIM Riders on 11.10.23 – 18:30 - 21:00 (date/time) at Hixpania Village
and 12.10.23 – 8:00 - 10:00 (date/time) at Hixpania Village.
Competitors will have to submit:
(See: FIM HE WC Regulations 2023, 60.8.1)
- FIM Enduro World Championship License
- Starting Permission from their National Federation (FMN), if required
- Driving License (if public roads are used during the race)
- During Administrative Control, transponders and mounting instructions will be distributed (deposit)
4) Technical Control
Technical Control will take place on 13.10.23 – 09:00 - 11:00 (date/time) at Hixpania Village.
Tech. Control NON - FIM Riders on 11.10.23 – 18:30 - 21:00 (date/time) at Hixpania Village and 12.10.23 – 8:00 - 10:00 (date/time) at Hixpania Village.
4.1) Marked Parts
All competitors have to submit their motorcycle prepared according to the FIM Technical Rules Hard Enduro 2023. Following parts will be marked:
- Frame (right hand steering head)
- Crankcase (right or left side)
- Silencer (on the top)
- Marked parts must be used throughout the entire competition and must be in their proper place at the final examination.
(Source: FIM HEWC Regulations 2023, 60.7)
4.2) Sound Control
Sound Control will be done based on the “2mMax Method".
Sound limits are:
- 114 dB/A ahead of race,
- 115 dB/A after the race.
(Source: FIM SOUND Regulations 2023, E 3, page 11)
Each rider or his mechanic can present a maximum of one (1) motorcycle and one (1) spare silencer. Should damage or deterioration occur to the original silencer it may be changed for the marked silencer without penalty.
4.3) Street Legality / Tires
The entire event 24MX Hixpania Hard Enduro takes place on private land and is using official roads:
- motorcycles have to be street legal
- must have a light mask mounted in the front
- homologated Enduro tires are permitted, tires shall be available to the public
- Trial tires are strictly forbidden
(Source: FIM Tech. Reg. HE 2023, 1.49, page 13-14)
5) Event Format
Multi-lap Hard Enduro race, next to an artificial lake.
Multidiscipline qualifying, for each class, on Friday and Saturday.
The daily winner will be awarded 500 points per day in Fridays (City Enduro) and Saturdays
(Campoo X-treme) qualification. Detailed points distribution can be seen in Art. 5.4. The rider with the most points won in both qualifying’s, will start 1st in Sundays Acerbis El Camino Perdido.
Location overview:
Hixpania Village – Paddock – at Chili’s Restaurant/Property
SuperEncierro – City Enduro
Campoo X-treme – Saturday race track
Acerbis El Camino Perdido – Sunday race track
Caballeros – Gold riders (incl. FIM)
Arqueros – Silver riders
Escuderos – Bronze riders
Hixpanos – Iron riders